Pentewan Valley Parish Council
The population of hedgehogs in UK gardens and other urban green spaces may be as low as 200,000-250,000.* This is an incredibly sad statistic.
To help stop this decline, we want to create hedgehog highways across our parish and we can’t do it without YOU!!!
Highways can help hedgehogs in three different ways: let them into inaccessible gardens, reduce how far they have to travel to forage for food, therefore saving energy, and reduce the number of road crossings they need to make.
Pentewan Valley Parish Council have purchased highway plaques which are free to any homeowners who wish to make their garden, hedgehog accessible. The surround is fitted around a gap (about the size of a Compact Disc) to allow hedgehogs to gain easy access to your garden.
If you are interested in helping our threatened prickly friends by making your garden ‘hedgehog friendly’, please contact us today!
Email [email protected] or call 07872 839979.
Find Pentewan Valley Parish Council
Ashlyn House, Crown Road, Whitemoor, Pentewan, St Austell, Cornwall, PL26 7XH